Thursday, 5 March 2015

Ribbon Cutting at Fairburn Chase, Castleford

I am often asked along to events and openings, many of which I have to sadly decline due to my busy schedule of university and training. Fortunately, this week I was really honoured to be able to open Fairburn Chase in Castleford.

Fairburn Chase is a new purpose built specialist care facility, built to provide individualised physical disability care and enable younger adults with a physical disability, neurological conditions and complex health needs.

I had a really lovely time meeting some of the staff and those also being cared for at Fairburn.  It's really great to see a modern purpose built facility for disabled adults.  I even managed to cut the ribbon first go!


You can see the entire range of photos taken on the day at the link below.  There are some great ones, including me comparing my gold with the Mayor!

Fairburn Chase Official Opening Photos

Thanks so much to the team at Fairburn Chase for inviting me to open the facility and making me so welcome on the day.

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